Tony Heterington is Financial Mail on Sunday’s top researcher, defending readers’ rights, exposing hidden truth, and securing successes for those who have lost money. Find his contact information below.
We were promised food and beverage vouchers in email messages, but we never received them. Although it was promised that housing would be arranged, nothing did.
After I revealed in Nov that Wizz Air, predicated at Luton Airport, was disobeying district court rulings, emails and letters poured in Tony Hetherington responds.
The number of people complaining about the air carrier that I was forced to limit my investigation to those in which the complainants had already prevailed in court, establishing the veracity of their claims.
You claimed because when you called Wizz Air to ask for the airline’s correct address for serving court documents, the operator informed you that he was not permitted to provide it.
Nevertheless, you persisted, and Wizz Air did not present a defense when your trial claim was delivered to it. And yet, it continued to be unpaid.