A man became popular all around the world because of his unique companion. For a long time, she has been dear companions and frequently swims in the pool with an unforeseen companion, a polar bear.
Mark is an expert creature mentor and a long time back he brought back home a strange pet, bear.
She is likewise really glad with her recreation time with the proprietor and speaks with him as though he were one of her tribesmen.
The heaviness of the bear surpasses 350 kilos and she has been encircled by individuals since birth. She was prepared actually by Mark.
Presently she has turned into a star of film and publicizing, despite the fact that she got her most memorable job as a kid in 1995.
The bear is given all things needed and has the most open to everyday environments. In any case, very early on, Angie had a propensity for gnawing and the proprietor put forth a ton of attempt to wean her from it. He is part of the nature.