Chico is a super-sweet dog that understands precisely what he wants. His stuffed duck is one of his favorites. Quite a bit cute friend.
Indeed, Chico has other toys he can play with whenever he picks. However, unavoidably, it’s generally the rich duck, Quach, that he decides to invest his energy with.
The two are basically indistinguishable.
Seeing exactly how in adoration the little guy is with the duck, Alicia and her significant other idea it would be enjoyable to design a unique treat for him — by orchestrating a visit from a curiously large and completely energized form of Mr. Quackers.
Alicia’s better half filled the role, having tracked down an ideal Mr. Quackers ensemble haphazardly at the store.
After gathering his #1 toy wake up, Chico was excited. It was a memorable second. Chico, almost certainly, would have stayed satisfied had his number one toy sprung up.
Yet, for his proprietors, watching exactly the way in which blissful it made him to meet Quach eye to eye made it all beneficial.