The youthful apple tree satisfied us with 4 apples, cherry trees, pears, figs as well, yet the quince, even after 3.5 years, yielded no organic product.
There were many blossoms in the spring, yet every one of the ovaries fell on their own in half a month.
A neighbor recommended two activities for this situation. The truth of the matter is that the ovaries fall when there is minimal iron in the dirt.
The primary technique is to push a rebar close to the tree or plant a couple of nails, yet there is a subsequent strategy, considerably more viable than the first, that I utilized.
A tree needs an iron feed like the leaf feed, and this is finished by pushing a couple of little corroded nails at the foundation of the storage compartment.
The nails are pushed 3 to 5 mm profound to puncture the bark and infiltrate the principal filaments of the wood with the development of the sap.
Furthermore, it is the first year in quite a while that he satisfied us with his reap, despite the fact that it is little up until this point.