A man from Serbia is a man with a major heart who saves many canines from the road. In 1996, with his mom Svetlana, he opened a creature cover, which proceeds to work and give new life right up to the present day.
Degan and his mom Svetlana humbly started their altruistic work: from the get go, they just took care of homeless creatures in their town called Kumik. In 1997, they established their own canine safe house «Vucjak».
Doing something like this by itself is difficult, particularly when you have many understudies that need food, love and care consistently.
Yet, Degan does quite well — and canines could do without him. In 2014, Degan chose to grow its field of movement, and notwithstanding canines, to deal with wolves.
The wolf is Serbia’s public creature, be that as it may, these hunters are as of now undermined with elimination — they are in extraordinary peril.
Man’s shelter is above water not just because of his day to day speculations and endeavors, yet additionally on account of the gifts of many caring individuals.
Much thanks to you to this kindhearted individual for saving lives!