Mario, an eight-month-old feline whose proprietor had left him being taken care of by his dacha in Sysert.
How he returned home is a secret.
Three days prior, Elena Polyanovskaya heard the squeaking of a feline in the entry of her home on Lenin Avenue. It worked out that the remodel laborers had tracked down a feline in the loft.
Elena understood that he was clearly secured and chosen to track down his proprietors.
«I carried him something to eat and drink, yet I was unable to bring him back home, I have two felines, they wouldn’t acknowledge him as the proprietor,» Elena said.
The young ladies posted advertisements and messages via online entertainment. Mario remained with another colleague, and around evening time, Elena comprehended who could be its proprietor.
Mario’s proprietor, Vladimir Zinkovsky, said he left the feline in the Sysert station chalet on December 20. The house is warm, there is an overseer, and on a basic level there is generally somebody from the family who lives there.
«By what baffling means did he come here?» asked the man. Perhaps pleasant individuals assembled and carried him to the city.