The 35-year-old artist shared the wonderful news on Wednesday via an Insta post, explaining that her sons were born on Bonfire Night.
She wrote: «5.11.22» next to a sweet photo of her holding her newborns. The boys! Keep in mind Remember x.’
During a red carpet visit at the Festival’s main event in September, Jessica announced her pregnancy. The star discussed her pregnancy struggle with her social media followers in a public post earlier this year.
She previously disclosed that she had gone through four rounds of IVF therapy in the aim of becoming a mother for the first time.
In a sincere Instagram post,, she revealed her troubles with conception and included a video of herself taking medicines.
The problem is not your body. adore it Whatever the case, I’m sending love and encouragement to every lady I’ve ever met as well as others who knows about this.
I had intended to work more after having children, but you can’t, she replied.
Pregnant women are difficult to insure on stage, and since Covid it has gotten much more difficult because you are viewed as even greater risk.