Woman photographs bird and discovers she has captured the craziest optical illusion
Sliver knew she had to take photos when a flock of Eastern curlews landed
A couple hears somebody locked in their pipe and is surprised to discover who it is
They weren’t concerned at first when they heard a strange voice coming from the
Following a lady taking care of felines, a bird figures out how to meow like a cat
Nelly has chosen to provide some food for the neighborhood’s homeless animals in her
This store’s employees have given up on preventing Steven, the seagull, from stealing French fries
This seagull named Steven «the Seagull», has been seen on different occasions entering a
Why do animals recognize numbers yet only people are capable of math?
People and creatures really share a few surprising mathematical capacities — assisting them with
This adorable bird will become your favorite bird in the entire world
A wonderful white hummingbird has been spotted dipping around a nectar-drenched bloom. Other than
Have you ever witnessed a bird bathing? Woman takes pictures of a little bird having a good time in the bath she prepared for him
Carla has had water basins set up in her yard for more than 10
Why were people astonished when two cockatoos met in the store?
Cockatoos are unusual birds to have as pets. They’re chatty, have a lot of